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Next Round of Home Delivery Thursday, 5 December 2024

In the spirit of the holiday season, we have assembled a selection of bottles for home delivery just in time for the gift-giving season! 

On Thursday, 5 December, we will offer a six-bottle box for delivery to your home. These will be available to residents of Oregon, Pennsylvania, Vermont, Virginia, and Washington, D.C.

At Noon EST on Thursday, our webshop ( will open. We will use our electronic pre-queue and waiting room system, which opens at 11:45 a.m. ET (15 minutes before the sale goes live). When you sign into the pre-queue, you’ll join everyone for the sale. The time when you sign into the pre-queue does not impact your order in the queue. As the sale opens, people will be randomly added to an order queue, moved to the waiting room, and brought into the shop to make purchases.

Our Home for the Holidays collection includes the following offerings, and each customer may purchase only one box:

  • Anna
  • Arthur
  • Florence
  • Charlie: Plum/Blueberry
  • Convivial Suarez
  • Nonconformist 11

The webshop will remain open until we sell out of this round of bundled offerings. We plan to ship orders on Wednesday and Thursday, 11-12 December.

