Spring Curated Vintage Experience at Hill Farmstead
To mark the spring season, we will present a small number of curated, guided vintage tasting experiences here at the brewery. Beginning April 21—and one day each week through 18 May—we will offer a reservation opportunity for up to 5 guests each week. Reservations will go live on Saturday, 15 April, at noon EDT, on our Tock page (link in bio).
Each reservation includes a reserved table and guided tasting through a curation of vintage bottled offerings that span the breadth of our entire portfolio. Table service is provided, along with a detailed description of each beer offered and background information about the brewery itself. In addition, a selection of Jasper Hill cheese will be available to order separately.
Seatings are offered on a limited basis for the following dates: April 21 and 28 and May 5, 11, and 18, from 12 – 2 p.m.
Reservations for parties of three to five people will be available for each seating; each member of the party will enjoy six different selections, shared and described by an educated member of our team. Selections for these will include Being & Time (2011), Ann (2014), Elaborative One (2011), Flora: Blueberry (2014), Damon (2013), and Works of Love: De Molen (2013).
$125 per person
Make your reservations here: https://www.exploretock.com/hillfarmsteadbrewery/