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Fifteenth Anniversary!

Self-Reliance: Mosaic® (Double Dry-Hopped)

Double Dry-Hopped Farmstead® India Pale Ale Conditioned in Oak Barrels

This selection was brewed with hand-selected Mosaic® hops grown in Yakima, Washington and then dry-hopped, twice over,  with that same crop year of Mosaic®. 

Ralph Waldo Emerson’s essay “Self-Reliance” was the inspiration for this beer series—and it often serves as a model for our team’s persistent reflection, examination, and refinement.  As such, you’ll likely notice two minor typographical errors in the label itself, small items that we missed during our design review. Previously, we would have likely destroyed the labels and had them reprinted; however, that would be both environmentally irresponsible and materially wasteful, and such an act would reflect neither our mission nor our values. The two minor typos most certainly won’t impact the beer’s flavor or, we hope, your experience with it.

11/25/20 Release Date
6% ABV
Mosaic® Hops
Puncheons Aging Method
