Special Onsite Release for Weds., April 18: Ann
Hello Everyone,
With much anticipation, Spring’s gift of daylight has been delivered, and in Greensboro we hope that snowbanks will soon give way to timely apple blossoms and a healthy population of nomadic pollinators. In honor of our favorite pollinators, the bees, we offer to you what has become our most elusive beer: Ann. This particular release began its life nearly 5 years ago, in August of 2013, as a brew day and primary fermentation of our honey “Saison,” Anna. After being placed in wine barrels, the evolution of Anna into Ann is an indeterminate and metamorphic occurrence.
Only a single digit percentage of all wine barrel-aged Anna becomes what is unmistakably identifiable as Ann—the remainder is often blended into Civil Disobedience. The beer, the barrel, and some yet unknown, unquantifiable condition seems to dictate its path and appearance. It is identified and selected only through the emotional response that it induces during barrel tasting.
This particular beer began its bottle conditioning on March 18, 2015. This will only be offered for onsite consumption. Due to the very small volume, merely a single barrel, we chose 375ml bottles for this release in order to further spread its availability. We cannot say how many days these bottles will be available, as it is difficult to predict retail traffic and interest.
Because of this, we kindly encourage you to share this beer with your friends and to be mindful of how special an occurrence it is.
Thank You,