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The Week of 18 March 2020

March 18, 2020 12:00 pm - March 21, 2020 5:00 pm

Good evening everyone,

Circumstances continue to evolve at an astonishing pace, and we are doing our best to be both responsible and proactive to protect our staff and guests. We are slated to remain open this coming week for to-go options only (no onsite offerings indefinitely), but we are continuously evaluating the situation based on the advice of medical professionals and guidance from the State of Vermont. As always, for any changes, we will alert you as quickly and broadly as possible.

Genealogy—Coffee Collective: Akmel Nuri

This coming week, we will offer a new batch of the Coffee Collective: Akmel Nuri variant of our draft-only Genealogy series in our taproom for to-go in 750ml growlers.

Genealogy is our stainless-conditioned coffee imperial stout (the base beer for Genealogy of Morals), and we have conditioned the beer atop beans from Akmel Nuri in Jimma, Ethiopia, sourced and roasted by our friends at The Coffee Collective in Copenhagen, Denmark.

This will be available in the tasting room for take-away in 750ml growlers only (1 per person, 2L growlers not available).

We will also have fresh cans of Marie, Mosaic IPA, and Society & Solitude #10 for takeaway, as well as a full slate of bottled offerings and growlers.

For complete listings of what we have available, visit our retail shop page.
