A Toast to Armand
In our small way, we raise a toast to the life and legacy of Armand Debelder here in Greensboro Bend. This is certainly not the first time we have honored his spirit, nor will it be the last. We share this particular moment with so many others worldwide, a beautiful space of loving retrospection and regard for an authentic, complex, and generous spirit.
His visit to our brewery in 2013 remains utterly and endearingly memorable for no other reason than the genuine human (and canine) time he gifted us. A true test of a person’s character was how much Charlie loved you… clearly, Armand sat in good stead with our best barometer.
Visit 3 Fonteinen’s website and site for a beautiful profile of Armand (https://www.3fonteinen.be/en/), and if you’re able and inclined, wherever you may be, join us in celebrating his memory.