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Anniversary Week, 24 May 2023

To mark our thirteenth year, we plan to celebrate throughout the week: a full slate of debuting bottles and freshly packaged cans on Weds. (stay tuned tomorrow for more info on those), a vast catalog of vintage bottles to enjoy by the glass and bottle, special vintage draft offerings each day, the arrival of our expanded outdoor area for the summer, and two different food trucks. 

Some highlights for next week:

  • More than two dozen vintage bottles on our menu each day, rotating through our collection, including limited appearances of Ann, Art, Flora, Aaron, Damon, and Samuel, along with numerous others dating back to 2013.
  • Vintage draft offerings each day, with selections dating back as far as 2012
  • The debut of Vermont Wheat Lager and the return of Memoria
  • Food Trucks – Weds.: Smokin’ Something BBQ & Thurs. – Sat.: Smokin’ Joes (BBQ)

No reservations are required, and the weather looks delightful. We look forward to sharing the week with you!

Aerial spring picture
