Bottle Release For December 12, 2018
For this coming Weds., Dec. 12., we will release Fear & Trembling as well as a new Flora variant with Raspberries.
Fear and Trembling is a Baltic-style porter brewed with malt that was hand-smoked over a blend of native woods, first brewed with our friend and former colleague, Anders Kissmeyer. This version was fermented in the traditional way, with lager yeast, and conditioned in stainless steel.
Flora is the wine barrel-aged version of Florence, our grandfather’s sister as well as the name of our Farmstead® wheat ale. We selected two barrels of Flora and aged it atop fresh raspberries from Fisher Brothers Farm in Shelburne, Vt.
Please visit our bottle release page,, for bottle limits and pricing information (credit card and matching ID required for Flora: Raspberry).
Visit our retail page for complete information and retail offerings.