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Fifteenth Anniversary!

Bottle Release For December 26, 2018

December 22, 2018

For Weds., Dec. 26., we will release a new batch of Barrel-Aged Everett.

This is the bourbon barrel-aged version of Everett (1908-1939), our grandfather’s brother, as well as the name of our robust porter. In his honor, we brewed a richer, more complex version of our porter and aged it in select bourbon barrels for 18 months. The beer rested contentedly, absorbing and harmonizing with all that the oak had to offer, taking on the complex characters that time and spirit provide. Naturally carbonated and unfiltered, this is the beer that we wish to have shared with Everett.

Please visit our bottle release page for bottle limits and pricing information (credit card and matching ID required).

Visit our retail page for complete information and retail offerings, including fresh cans of Dharma Bum and Double Nelson.
