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A limited number of t-shirts are available for online purchase!

Direct to Consumer Home Delivery Sale, 17 September OR/PA/VA/VT

Once again, we’d like to offer another collection of curated boxes for home delivery, available to those of you located in Oregon, Pennsylvania, Vermont, and Virginia.

We will open the webshop at on Saturday, 17 September, at 2 p.m. ET, and we anticipate shipping all the boxes on Tuesday, 20 September.

We will utilize an electronic pre-queue and waiting room system, which opens at 1:45 p.m. ET (15 minutes prior to the sale going live). When you sign into the pre-queue, you’ll join everyone for the sale.

The time you sign into the pre-queue doesn’t impact your order in the queue. As the sale opens, people will be randomly added to an order queue and moved to the waiting room, then brought into the shop to make their purchases. This helps maintain a steady and stable order process and eliminates the need for a pre-sale lottery.

This curated 6-bottle selection will include the following: Arthur (2021); Vera Mae (2021); Cherry/Raspberry: 2020 Harvest; Nonconformist 02; Blueberry/Raspberry: 2020 Harvest; and Red Raspberry: 2020 Harvest.

We will continue to offer occasional sales in states where we’re currently licensed, as time and bandwidth allow. Thank you for your continued support!

