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Fifteenth Anniversary!

Upcoming Direct-to-Consumer A La Carte Offering

Build-Your-Own 6-Bottle Box 

Next week, we will offer another round of direct-to-consumer shipments, this time with a slight twist. 

On Tuesday, 24 January, we will make available a build-your-own six-bottle box of our bottled Farmstead® ales to be delivered to your home. As in the past, we are limited due to legal licensing restrictions to ship to the states of Vermont, Pennsylvania, Oregon, and Virginia.

At 10:00 a.m. on Tuesday, our webshop ( will open. We will use our electronic pre-queue and waiting room system, which opens at 9:45 a.m. EST (15 minutes prior to the sale going live). When you sign into the pre-queue, you’ll join everyone for the sale. The time when you sign into the pre-queue will not impact your order in the queue. As the sale opens, people will be randomly added to an order queue and moved to the waiting room, then brought into the shop to make their purchases. 

You may select any six bottles from the following offerings: Anna, Arthur, Florence, Charlie, Clara, Convivial Suarez, Dorothy, and Plum Harvest 2021. Choose any selections that you would like to enjoy, and we will pack your order based on your selections. 

Note for Pennsylvania residents: State law limits each customer to 96 ounces per brand per calendar year, so you may only order three of any one beer during this first sale of the year.

The webshop will remain open until we sell out of this round of a la carte 6-bottle bundle boxes,. There will be a limit of one box per customer for this initial round. We intend to pack and ship these boxes out on Thursday, 26 January. 

Depending on the demand and response to this offering, we hope to offer this direct-to-consumer option on a regular basis for our customers in those states where we are licensed to ship. Thank you for your interest and support.

Brewery in Winter
