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Retail Update for 15 July 2023

The Week That Was, The Week Ahead • Mosaic IPA • Double Citra

This has been an unprecedented and trying week for so many of our friends and colleagues around the state and in our own backyards. The long-ranging impacts of the damage and loss will be felt for months and years to come, but as we have seen in so many instances, our neighbors, our community, and our industry have shown their true mettle.

We have been working directly with both The Civic Standard and The Center for an Agricultural Economy throughout the week, amplifying their extraordinary efforts towards recovery and rebuilding, as well as providing direct financial support. That will continue in the coming weeks, and we’re pleased that we have the opportunity to offer a charitable beer, beginning the week of 25 July, for which 100% of the proceeds will go directly to The Civic Standard. Stay tuned for more information on that early next week.

We’re also collecting and sharing online resources, available at, which we will update as frequently as possible. It is by no means comprehensive. Please contact some of these organizations if you’d like to donate, volunteer, or offer other services. We’ll also continue sharing updates from those organizations to get the word out as widely as possible.

For the week ahead here at the brewery, we’ll have freshly packaged cans of Mosaic Single Hop IPA and Double Citra, along with three food vendor guests: July 19: MexiRico Authéntico; July 20 – July 21: Farm to Fire; and July 22: Chef Nadav.

Given the previous week, we were necessarily delayed in announcing activities and events for the first week of August. Look for information and updates on Monday, 24 July. Please visit our website for a fully updated list of cans and bottles available for takeaway, as well as our taproom offerings.


