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Important Announcement | 13 March

Hi everyone,

Like all of you, we are closely monitoring this fast-moving health crisis, and we are doing our best to be proactive and thoughtful with our decisions.

A few important notes for our friends and guests:

Additional Update – 6 p.m., 13 March

As mentioned earlier, we will remain open for our normal retail hours. However, given the size of our space and the confines of winter, beginning, Saturday 14 March 2020, we will temporarily cease offering beer for onsite consumption (samples, pours, or bottles), and we will also stop offering cheese plates or food service. This will be in effect until further notice; thank you for your understanding.

To-go items will still be available, though: growlers in our taproom, and cans, bottles, etc. in our retail shop.

Any other changes or updates will be announced as quickly and widely as possible.

Thank you for patronizing small businesses, in whatever way you can—it’s more important than ever. Buy take-out from local restaurants, stock up on gift certificates, and seek any other ways you can responsibly support your friends and neighbors, especially those who can’t work from home.

Also, a special ‘thank you’ to everyone working in health care and emergency response. We’re grateful for your service and tireless work in the weeks ahead.

Be well!

Festival Update

At this time, our Friendships and Explorations Festival on 13 June will still take place, and tickets purchased at our brewery remain valid. However, it’s impossible to know if we will need to make a change to the event. As a precautionary measure, we will pause the additional online ticket registrations currently underway. If possible, we will resume the process at a later date, and there would be no need to re-register.

Retail update

We plan to remain open our normal retail hours, unless otherwise announced. You will notice that we have implemented additional levels of prevention here, and we will continue to refine and improve our cleaning protocols for the safety of our guests and our staff. We will continue to have plenty of to-go options (bottles, cans, growlers).

Beginning today, Friday, 13 March, we will move to cashless transactions until further notice (cards only). We accept Visa, MasterCard, and Discover (sorry, no American Express). Thank you for your understanding.

Additionally, some polite requests for those of you visiting us:

  • If you are experiencing cold-like symptoms and/or you have been in an area that is exposed to COVID-19, we encourage you to postpone your visit for another time.
  • It can’t be said enough: wash your hands as often as possible. We are working to add hand sanitizer stations at each entrance for next week.
  • Please bring all used glassware to the bar; this will help minimize glass handling for our team.

Our team is making every effort to provide a safe and enjoyable experience based on the guidelines provided by CDC and the State of Vermont. As circumstances evolve, there are a great many unknowns, and we hope to minimize variables where possible.

We will update with any additional changes, and we wish you all good health. If you have additional questions, please email [email protected].

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