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Fifteenth Anniversary!

Double Barrel-Aged Beyond Good and Evil

Imperial Stout Brewed with Maple Syrup and Wheat and Aged in Bourbon Barrels

Beyond Good and Evil is the name of our barrel-aged maple imperial stout, crafted with malted wheat and local Vermont maple syrup. Brewed in March 2020, its initial rest in hand-selected Bourbon barrels spanned nearly two years. Then, the blend moved into freshly emptied Bourbon barrels of different provenance for another year to provide additional complexity and expression of both barrel and beer.

Beyond Good and Evil is one of Nietzsche’s most powerful works, challenging convention, ‘wisdom’ and ‘morality;’ urging us to transcend the restrictive, bounded concepts of good and evil; and confronting the relative nature of ‘knowledge.’ This both informs and inspires our work.

Philosophical Series
10/16/24 Release Date
10% ABV
Maple Syrup Adjuncts
Bourbon Barrel Aging Method
